Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cold splash of reality

Somehow I seemed to have remembered my past marathon times (New Orleans in 2006 and Austin in 2007) more glowingly than I should have. I based my new goal of 4 hours or less on the thinking that I had done the previous marathons in roughly 4:15 and 4:19... it seemed like a reasonable goal. Turns out I didn't do as well I remembered- I just looked it up on Marathon Guide where you can look up anyone's marathon time in a race between 2000 and 2009, and here's how I fared:
Austin Marathon, 2007: 4:24:04
New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon, 2006: 4:19:38.

Wow- seems like I have some work to do on October 25th. I'm gearing up. How is everyone else doing? I am trying to get mentally prepared. I was able to find the Accel Gel in Chocolate at Pacers- I think they stock it now because I asked about it, which is awesome. Please let me know if you would like me to get you some before the race. I'll probably go there soon to check out a new top. What is everyone planning on wearing? The weather has been crazy here lately, so I am not sure what to expect.
Also, my other really important question is iPods. Anyone know the policy on wearing these during the race. The FAQs on the website say "No Walk Mans". Hmmmm.... Just wondering if any of you are planning to use yours, because I am going to have a tough time without my crutch.