Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What I've been up to

I am having some trouble commenting on the blog so I will just add another post....

I have been on a bit of a running hiatus for the past few weeks. It all began one Saturday when I was not mentally motivated to complete the 17 mile LR and had tweaked my hammy on that Thursday while doing lunges. I am not doing anymore lunges until after the marathon. So I set out to do 10 and did 12.5. Fine. Then I got this ankle thing going the following day and I think it was yesterday (over 2 weeks later) when I discovered the root of the problem as playing 18 holes of golf. We ride mainly, but walking around a course can be stressful on already stressed out body parts. Dan suggested that I may be dehydrated and tired. Right.....I've been icing it more regularly and for the first time this morning it didn't feel tight. Yea!

Meanwhile, I have not put in a meaningful (over 11 mile) run in a while and we set for 18 this Saturday. I am actually looking forward to it! The furthest I've gone so far is a little over 15.

Dan & I also did a 5K at the beach last weekend. I can for certain say it was the most humid race I've ever run in! So with that, a bum ankle and a throbbing hip, I still managed to come in 2nd in my age division and set a new personal best (24:06). And it was Dan's first race. He finished in 29:something so did real well for not liking to run.

Last week I also went in search of the gel Rachel suggested and got shot down at the GNC I went to. At least the box of Power Bar get I got (yes, I buy them by the box) was only $20! I've had these before & they sort look & taste like yogurt.

I am so glad Rachel likes Pacers. Sara, for your reference the owners are friends of Schreiner's. They sponsor a 10 mile race & a 1/2 marathon in the spring. I think I am going to try to do the National 1/2 in March if I can keep up with the running club thru the winter (burr!)

Anyway, yes, we are 2 months out as of TODAY!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Halfway point?

Our big day is just about 2 months away, am I right? Are we ready gals?
I wanted to update you all on several changes to my routine since I last posted.
1- I got sunglasses. Where was I on this one before? I realized that I have been squinting a lot, and there's just no reason to endure that, so I got a pair of sunglasses from CVS specifically for running. They aren't really my everyday style (I think I look a little like lady-Robo Cop in them) but they were relatively cheap for being polarized and they stay on really well and hide the delicate skin around my eyes ;) from the harsh sun.
2- I have enormous feet. I went to Pacers last week to look at shoes (I knew I needed another pair and I wanted to look at adding a different type of shoe to the rotation) and I ended up having my foot measured and my gait observed and tried on literally 10 pairs of shoes and modeled probably 5 of them running on the sidewalk. None of them were large enough for my feet. They ended up special-ordering me a few different pairs to try on and I really hope they arrive this week because I now know I really need new shoes and I don't want to have to do another long run in the ones that are causing me trouble. I left the store after an hour feeling like a giant- but a shoeless giant since they didn't have anything that would fit my giant feet.
3- I did my first really long run (16 miles) yesterday and I'm happy to say it went pretty well! I used Margaret's trick of hiding water along the trail. I froze a mixture of vitamin water+ water the night before, so by the time I got back to it at mile 13, it was half-melted, super cold and exactly what I needed. I finished the rest as it melted along the last three miles. I also lucked out because I put this run off the day before because it was raining and my eye was a little messed up from earlier in the week and I was just feeling like I needed to sleep. Sunday was a much better day to run, so I am glad I made the decision to be lazy on Saturday. 4- After the long run, I came straight in and soaked my legs in an ice-bath for about 15 minutes. It probably wasn't the most precise temperature since I just used 3 trays of ice cubes and they all melted pretty quickly, but the water was cool and I know it helped because today I experienced no soreness whatsoever. Blissful.

How is everyone else doing? I know MHC could use some Marathon Motivation!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Responses, thoughts...

Hi there, running ladies!
I wanted to respond to the chatter but also post something since I haven't in a while so I am combining them.
First off, Hax, definitely don't be so hard on yourself. This past weekend was brutally hot, so be proud you did what you did. It may help you to try and deduce what contributed to your run going downhill (sorry, that's a poor choice of words) but I know the past two weeks my long runs have been killer because of both the heat and the water situation. Each time I've thought I'd have enough to get me through, but I am probably guilty of not hydrating enough in the days before AND not leaving with enough water from the start. I talked with Margaret yesterday, and she mentioned that she hides water along her route so that it's there when she needs it... since most of my longer runs are out-and-backs along the Mount Vernon trail, I think I'll hide a bottle (water mixed with accelerade or something) somewhere along mile 2 so that it's there when I return, dying of thirst. This past weekend, things were going relatively well until mile 10ish (I was only doing 12) when the clouds broke, it started to get really toasty and the water in my bottle was both minimal and warm. AND I had downed a Cliff gel during mile 9 which makes you ridiculously thirsty. At any rate, I finished the run but not in my best state, and determined to make the 15-miler a better day.
As far as mental tips, one thing I have been thinking about a lot lately, since I, too, have been questioning my ability to complete this training and perform well at the marathon, is that the training is the hard part! It's supposed to be tough, but we're putting in the work so that we can get the payoff at the marathon. So anytime I am struggling during a run or dreading an upcoming long run, I just remind myself that this is the work part- it's all just to make the marathon possible. I literally say in my head "this is the hard stuff, the marathon is the fun stuff"... and it will be! Your body will not only be more conditioned, but it will be the end of October- so the air will be crisp and we'll be able to enjoy being outside running for hours. This being my 3rd marathon, and having had a not-so-great 2nd marathon experience, I am really trying to focus on the training part of it, so that when Marathon day comes I can just enjoy it because I'll know I have put forth everything I can to get ready.
I also think the Nike ipod thing helps me mentally- that little voice telling me that I only have 5 miles to go, or that I am halfway, or I have 400 meters left... it really helps me to break up the run and be proud of what I've done and know exactly how much further I have to tough it out for.
The other thing I wanted to tell you about was an awesome gel I had a few weeks ago- it is made by accelerade, their Accel Gel in chocolate with caffeine. It was delicious! Tasted just like chocolate icing from a container, so yes, very sweet, but one of the best of the gels I've had. I tried the Cliff version the next week- the mocha flavor- and compared to the Accel, it was terrible. I got the Accel Gel at a race in the spring, so I am not sure where I can purchase it (I looked at Pacers, a running store near me- no dice) but be on the lookout.

I am up for a get-together the night before the race... as of now I don't have any plans other than drinking lots of water and getting to sleep early :)

Good job on all your training so far ladies- we are getting to those middle weeks of training that are the most challenging, so I appreciate your sticking with it AND the blog. It's certainly helped me to know that you all are out there toughing it out also.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Carbo Loading the Night Before the Big Day

Coincidentally, there are quite a few people from my Luke's Locker Running Group in Dallas that are running the Marine Corp Marathon this year as well, and they were discussing meeting up the night before the marathon to eat around 5:30 or 6:00 pm. Does anyone have any plans for dinner the night before or interested in meeting up for dinner?

Monday, August 3, 2009

mental toughness

Ok, so I've never run a marathon before. To date, the longest run I've done was 15 miles and that was on my own. This coming weekend's long run is 17 & a bit of a mental hurdle for me.

At the end of these weekly long runs, I have found myself asking "Self, how will you complete 26.2 as you seem so pooped from the _____ miles (fill in the double digit number here) that you just ran?" For example, sometimes I had trouble finishing that last ~2 miles as I did on Saturday....in the sun, slightly up an incline to Iwo Jima. I quit, I said "eff it!" and I know I should not have. Was this because I was running low on water, food, the sun beating down, not seeing any other of the running group around me?

So, knowing most of you have danced this dance before, what are some tips/suggestions/ideas to help mentally prep for 26 miles. I know people have said, oh, it's the rush, the crowd, the XYZ... One guy told me on Saturday that the first 20 miles were a warm up and the last 6 was the race.

Anyway, looking for thougths here.