Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What I've been up to

I am having some trouble commenting on the blog so I will just add another post....

I have been on a bit of a running hiatus for the past few weeks. It all began one Saturday when I was not mentally motivated to complete the 17 mile LR and had tweaked my hammy on that Thursday while doing lunges. I am not doing anymore lunges until after the marathon. So I set out to do 10 and did 12.5. Fine. Then I got this ankle thing going the following day and I think it was yesterday (over 2 weeks later) when I discovered the root of the problem as playing 18 holes of golf. We ride mainly, but walking around a course can be stressful on already stressed out body parts. Dan suggested that I may be dehydrated and tired. Right.....I've been icing it more regularly and for the first time this morning it didn't feel tight. Yea!

Meanwhile, I have not put in a meaningful (over 11 mile) run in a while and we set for 18 this Saturday. I am actually looking forward to it! The furthest I've gone so far is a little over 15.

Dan & I also did a 5K at the beach last weekend. I can for certain say it was the most humid race I've ever run in! So with that, a bum ankle and a throbbing hip, I still managed to come in 2nd in my age division and set a new personal best (24:06). And it was Dan's first race. He finished in 29:something so did real well for not liking to run.

Last week I also went in search of the gel Rachel suggested and got shot down at the GNC I went to. At least the box of Power Bar get I got (yes, I buy them by the box) was only $20! I've had these before & they sort look & taste like yogurt.

I am so glad Rachel likes Pacers. Sara, for your reference the owners are friends of Schreiner's. They sponsor a 10 mile race & a 1/2 marathon in the spring. I think I am going to try to do the National 1/2 in March if I can keep up with the running club thru the winter (burr!)

Anyway, yes, we are 2 months out as of TODAY!

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