Monday, August 24, 2009

Halfway point?

Our big day is just about 2 months away, am I right? Are we ready gals?
I wanted to update you all on several changes to my routine since I last posted.
1- I got sunglasses. Where was I on this one before? I realized that I have been squinting a lot, and there's just no reason to endure that, so I got a pair of sunglasses from CVS specifically for running. They aren't really my everyday style (I think I look a little like lady-Robo Cop in them) but they were relatively cheap for being polarized and they stay on really well and hide the delicate skin around my eyes ;) from the harsh sun.
2- I have enormous feet. I went to Pacers last week to look at shoes (I knew I needed another pair and I wanted to look at adding a different type of shoe to the rotation) and I ended up having my foot measured and my gait observed and tried on literally 10 pairs of shoes and modeled probably 5 of them running on the sidewalk. None of them were large enough for my feet. They ended up special-ordering me a few different pairs to try on and I really hope they arrive this week because I now know I really need new shoes and I don't want to have to do another long run in the ones that are causing me trouble. I left the store after an hour feeling like a giant- but a shoeless giant since they didn't have anything that would fit my giant feet.
3- I did my first really long run (16 miles) yesterday and I'm happy to say it went pretty well! I used Margaret's trick of hiding water along the trail. I froze a mixture of vitamin water+ water the night before, so by the time I got back to it at mile 13, it was half-melted, super cold and exactly what I needed. I finished the rest as it melted along the last three miles. I also lucked out because I put this run off the day before because it was raining and my eye was a little messed up from earlier in the week and I was just feeling like I needed to sleep. Sunday was a much better day to run, so I am glad I made the decision to be lazy on Saturday. 4- After the long run, I came straight in and soaked my legs in an ice-bath for about 15 minutes. It probably wasn't the most precise temperature since I just used 3 trays of ice cubes and they all melted pretty quickly, but the water was cool and I know it helped because today I experienced no soreness whatsoever. Blissful.

How is everyone else doing? I know MHC could use some Marathon Motivation!

1 comment:

  1. I have an 18 mile run on Saturday. I am a little nervous because I cut the 15 mile one short by a mile. I do have some Accel Gel so hopefully that will help.

    I have been doing my 6 mile negative split runs once a week and except for one week (last week) have always had a negative split. I have speed work tomorrow. I think starting in September my 6 mile negative splits should change to 8 mile negative splits, but I will be in Greece for 10 days so my only goal there is to at least get 2 runs in....
