Monday, July 13, 2009

Foot Update (I went to the doctor)

So last Sunday I woke up with foot pain and it hurt everytime my heel touched anything (the ground, my hand, etc). I figured it was a heel spur from my plantar fasciitis (since I already have a heel spur on my right foot, it makes sense I would want a matching one on my left foot). Cathy Rizutto told me it could be a stress fracture so stay off it until the pain went away and go to the doctor. By Friday the pain was gone if I had shoes on (still hurt barefoot, but my other foot feels that way too). I did not run 10 miles on Saturday and instead only ran 4 since I had not gone to the doctor yet. My appointment was today and he confirmed that I do have a heel spur in my left foot. I am going to do the ultrasound therapy again (I did that with the other foot and it seemed to work).

I am also available to trade feet with anyone that would like some messed up ones. If you know anyone that seems to have no problems, but hates walking/exercise/etc, we would be a good match b/c I would give them a reason to say, "I can't do that b/c my feet hurt too bad." I will pay for the transplant surgery =)

1 comment:

  1. Sara, I feel your pain. Literally! I also suffer from plantar fasciitis, so I'll definitely want to hear how the ultrasound therapy goes. I have not heard of that- when I went to a podiatrist he recommended the orthotics, but I haven't pursued those yet. The pain has actually lessened quite a bit, but I do have to ice it after I run.
    I, too, wish I could trade feet with someone who doesn't need to use theirs quite as much!
    I hope you feel better!
