Thursday, July 2, 2009

Workouts/Training Plans

I was curious what training plans each of you are following. I have seen Hax's, and may jump in on a few of her runs once I get up to D.C. Until then, I needed something to get me going, so I based mine off of the training plan listed in the July issue of Runner's World. It's a little intense, so I have my doubt that I'll be able to follow it exactly (I've never logged over 40 miles in a week, and some of the weeks are closer to 50!) but I put it all in a google calendar to remind me when to do what. Here's next week, my first week:What are you guys planning for next week?


  1. I am following Hal Higdon's marathon training guide, and am currently planning on following the Intermediate I plan ( This could be a bit ambitious of me, but I want to work on my speed and try to finish closer to the 4 hour mark than the 5 hour mark for this marathon.

    This plan is nice because it gives you every Friday off, which I am a big fan of! Per this plan, we would be in week 2 of marathon training (which also makes me feel good because it means I'm not behind :)) so the schedule for this week is 9 miles this weekend. Next week the schedule calls for cross-training on Monday, 3 miles on Tuesday, 5 miles on Wednesday, 3 miles on Thursday, rest on Friday, 5 miles on Saturday, and 6 miles on Sunday. I switch up the Sunday long runs and do them on Saturday.

    Definitely curious to see what plans everyone else is following and ideas on good ways to integrate speed work into the plan since the plan I am following does not really call for days at the track. I try to vary it up by doing some sprints during my weekly runs - sprint for a couple minutes, back to marathon pace for a couple minutes, sprint, etc.

  2. If it makes anyone feel better, a friend told not to start training for a marathon more than 14 weeks or so out. So, with MCM weekend being wknd 0, according to her training doesn't begin until July 11th weekend.

    As for speed work, if you don't mind the treadmill at the gym, that is how I've been working in my speed when I can't get to the track for Wed. night work outs. My "speed" is my fastest pace in a recent 5K, which was 7:51/mi. I will run .25 to .5 mi fast & then slow it down for a short clip & go with that rotation as many times as it takes me to reach 4 miles.

  3. I haven't come up with anything too official. I am pretty comfortable with 8 - 10 miles for a long run now, so I am planning on just ramping it up 1 - 3 miles each week until about three weeks out. That is more or less what I have done in the past. During the week, I should probably develop a schedule, but I just hope to get 3 - 4 work-outs in normally about 5 miles, but I'll try to do some hills & speed too...
